Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Broken Arm and it's story.

This post is going to have to be an all in one for Birthday, broken arm, lost tooth and pink eye for no other reason then they snow balled all at once.  Chris and I planned the girls 6th Birthday party at the Playroom (basically an indoor playground in the town we live in) Their birthday plans/event(s) have grown over the years with the girls. When you first have a child you make a big deal out of every detail for their parties even when they are too young to realize all the efforts. If we ever have another child I am doing things different for 2nd (because 1 is a big deal so you have to go all out) 3rd and maybe even 4th. The girls first birthday party was obnoxious, Santa was there along with at least 50 people. When the girls hit preschool we started doing parties with friends. I asked the girls this year if they wanted to wait to have their party in the summer because December 22nd is so close to Christmas. As it is they already have to share their special day with each other. They liked the idea of this until they attended a party at the Playroom and insisted on having their party there. We splurged and rented the playroom for 20 some odd children and their parents. This was nice because it came decorated, there is plenty for kids to do and clean up was included. We ordered some pizza's and began to party. As each one of the girls friends came in, their faces lit up and they ran with excitement. I was walking around trying to make sure I talked with all of the parents, said hello to the children and visited with family. We had been there for about 40 minutes when I had my sister (loud and boisterous when needed) called all the children over for cake and ice cream. At the same time I saw Chris walking towards me with Devan who had a few tears in her eyes and was holding her arm. This did not really surprise me where I had tried to tame her excitement a number of times trying to prevent an accident. He brought her over to where it was quieter (which at the same moment 20 kids where surrounding us looking for cake and ice cream) That is when I noticed the color drain from her face. I knew then that she had hit very hard falling off the slide. At first when there is a situation like this it takes a minute to realize how serious it really is. 9 times out of 10 it ends up being just a hug and a kiss. I was so confused about whether or not we should try to do cake and ice cream and see how things go or take her to the ER. After she let go of her arm from the clutch she was holding on with her good arm is when I saw it just kind of dangling there like spaghetti, then came the screams of pain. We ran out the door a mess of emotions to the car leaving my Mom and Chris's Mom in charge of the party. As we were driving to the ER I kept thinking about different things like maybe I should have stayed where there were a few parents that had dropped their children off to finish last minute holiday shopping. Then we would turn a corner and my little baby would cry in pain and I realized I was where I needed to be the most. Still I was sad to think that Ryleigh was left behind blowing out her candles and  opening presents with the three people that mean the most to her absent. Later we learned just how special and unselfish Ryleigh is and she too knew we were where we needed to be. When we got to the ER Chris dropped Devan and I off at the entrance and went to park the car. I walked her in and checked in and then was told to be seated someone would be with us shortly. I work in the medical field and hate when people just think of themselves and get irritated with the "schedule" or simply have not patience at all, but before we went to sit I asked the kind lady that checked us in " I know we are just a number but do you know how long the wait will be?" I felt a little guilty asking but the Mom in me over-road the guilt. We were told it would be just a minute and they would get us right in. When you have a child in pain you want nothing more then to scoop them up and snuggle all the pain away, moving a child with an arm that is lifeless is out of the question let alone holding and rocking them. I sat and watched my at this point my 5 year old for 4 more days sit on the edge of the chair with a death grip on her hurt arm. We sat for less then a minute until the nurse called us in. From there it was a series of rooms, x rays and hours of no answers. We were thinking we would go in have an x ray see an awful break and be gone with a cast. What we actually experienced was 4 sets of x rays and technicians arguing over why are we doing these again. The ER doc did an ultrasound of her arm because he did not see any breaks and thought she might have fluid in the joint that needed to be drained. That too was a no answer, he then emailed the x rays to the orthopedist at home and within a half hour she had a splint on and was told she fractured her elbow. We left with discharge papers a splinted kid and a number to call the orthopedist in the AM to make an appointment. We stopped at Walmart on the way home for children's ibuprofen then headed to pick up Ryleigh at a family members. When Ry got in the car and we were heading home I heard her say to Devan in the most sincere voice, "Devan I waited to open my presents until you could do it with me" My heart melted the same way it did when Devan asked for Ryleigh time and time again at the ER. They fight like cats and dogs sometimes but they really do have a special bond. The next morning (Monday) I called Ortho and they told us to bring Devan in on Wednesday to have more x rays done. I was not sending her to school in a half cast like splint, to be bumped into by all of her classmates, so we hung out at home for a couple days just the two of us. We bought Ryleigh a card and thanked her for being so helpful. She really is a sweat little girl! Wednesday Chris couldn't get time off from work to come with me so I had my Mom meet me, I was terrified of what this appointment was going to be like. We were there for a half hour, x rays with no tears and a green cast for Christmas. 

Devan looked at the Dr like he has two heads when he said "You must want a pink cast" Ha not my girl. 

Ryleigh tagged along for this appointment not because she was invited but because she faked a stomach ache after their school concert when I tried leaving. She was really concerned for her sister and was no way no how missing this appointment. The verdict of the broken arm 3 fractures in her growth plate and a broken Ulna bone. I have one tough kid! She is doing so well with the cast and loves the attention. The first day she had the cast she had to take her coat off wherever we went to show off her battle scar. She is adorable. So x rays every 2 weeks with the cast on to insure proper healing. Before the first 2 week wait was up Devan was in the pediatricians office with pink eye in both eyes. She missed school the week before vacation because of her arm, she missed her supposed to be first day back because of pink eye.

Can I just say I have nightmares about these drops. We will all be happy to see them go. 

Chris and I are making sure tomorrow after her first follow up with Ortho that she will be at school. Devan lost a tooth 2 days ago and has forgot each night to place the tooth under her pillow (so has momma) I must be tired or something.

Also she hit her mouth on Nanny's dogs head to knock another tooth lose. I swear this girl needs to be put in a bubble. We are hoping for good news tomorrow which would put her down to 4 more weeks in the cast. :) What an eventful couple weeks... oh and in that time frame somewhere was Christmas. I will have to make another blog for that. I will say Devan got pretty good at opening presents one handed

And if you are wondering how Devan is doing with a cast after being in it for 3 weeks...

She loves it and doesn't want it off. It doesn't slow her down at all!

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy