The girls are head over heals for Toy Story, this started about a year and a half ago. Everything they own is Toy story and were thrilled when they found out Toy Story 3 was coming out.
Last year they were Woody and Jessie from Toy Story for halloween.
You rarely ever see the girls with out a Toy Story Character in hand.
Devan told me the other day "you know mom if you could buy me a slinky dog I could stop making sparky be slinky".
Their x mas list... all Toy Story and nothing else. There are days I put the make believe to an end and make them be Ryleigh and Devan. Living with a space ranger and cowboy is too much at times. However it is nothing like Jessie... this was fine until Ryleigh found out just how Jessie really acts. It has been down hill from there.
The funny thing is, I still remember when the first Toy Story came out. I was 10 or 11 and loved it. I was not nearly obsessed as my girls but I thought it was cute.
I have been wanting to get a pic of the girls with ALL their Toy Story toys but until then here are a few pics.
At the movies, there was a huge Hamm in the theater.
The insisted that Jessie and Rex needed to be in their picture with the bride, at my cousin Adams wedding.
Annie and the girls.
All packed and ready to go to aunt Karen for the day while Mommy is at work. Rex's head is sticking out because her bag is stuffed full of other characters.
Devan has been begging me to get her awful Toy Story cowboy boots at Walmart. She wants them because they say Andy's on the bottom. I say no way Daddy says why not... we will see what happens there.
Ry and Jessie
Devan and Rex