Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Little things ... How we got here

On the way to school the other day my squirely girls amazed me again with little things that they hold dear to there heart that I don't know about. We always listen to the music "LOUDER LOUDER MUMMA" on the way to school. The song Say Hey I Love You michael franti & spearhead came on. Ry started laughing and said "Mommy when we went to Elmo's world you and Daddy were laughing and singing that song to chudders (each other)." Having been in the car that day for eight hours I had forgotten all about it until she said something. It makes me happy that they have memories like this, I can't even remember my mom and dad being together. It makes me wonder just how much they remember. It is so cute when they come running with little things they remember doing, it always amazes me that they have not forgotten but have not talked about it in months.


I moved around a lot as a child, I had moved 15 times before we settled into our what I call home for ever when I was in fifth grade. Going to a new school was nothing for my sister brother and I where we had done it so much. Fifth grade was the first time that I met the girls Daddy. I remember having such a crush on him. We "went out" aka talked for a day then broke up a week later. lol We lived down the road from each other and Chris was good friends with my brother. My mom just recently found a note book of mine from elementary with Chris's name written in it. Ha ha Who would have known. We started dating a few years after high school and have been together since then. We had our beautiful twin girls on December 22 2005, I can still remember the day we found out we were having twins. We were on our way in the hospital when a friend said "have fun finding out you are having twins" we laughed and went in for the sonogram. We saw the sonogram tech look at the screen kind of funny then announced we were having twins. I never remember feeling overwhelmed or nervous It was just pure excitement. Chris was probably a little more nervous then I but hid it well if he was. I have wanted twins since the first baby shower I ever went to, my mom was blown away when we returned with the pics from the sonogram. I can still remember everyone's face as we showed them the pics. I feel so blessed to have had twins. I love them and their Daddy a lot. It all started back in elementary with a huge crush, now our little Devan is in pre school and her best friend is Cameron, a boy. He told his mommy that he and Devan are getting married some day. He told her "Mom I know I am supposed to wait 20 years to get married but I will always love Devan" So cute, I never go in the class to find Devan and Cameron more then a few feet of each other. Who knows maybe someday lol. Ryleigh on the other hand is a social butterfly all of the sudden, she is playing with a new kids everyday I pick her up. The only thing I would change about this life is I wish I could slow it down a little. The girls are growing up so fast I am excited for what is to come, but slowing it down a little would be nice.

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy