Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Unposted post from 9/12

Where trips to Liberty are becoming less and less and we have so much to cram into each weekend, we tried making the most of our time and planned a sleepover. I got out of work at 3:15 drove home to get the girls off the bus, they changed for soccer, thrn drove to Liberty to have dinner with Crystal, Sean, Sarah, Warren, Mum and the kids. The girls were really excited to have a sleep over! Brayden for some reason does not like to sleep at my or Crystals house anymore so he wouldn't stay with us, he spent the night at Mum's so he could stay after Sarah left for the night and hang out a bit longer.

Crystal made yummy pot pies, apple crisp, and pumpkin chocolate cookies, thanks Crystal. We made plans of leaving bright and early to make it to the girls soccer game at 8:45, I can't lie the sound of rain in the morning made me excited and sad all in one. I was really looking forward to the girls having a game and so were they. It was nice though to not have to rush, the kids got to play for a while longer, this made them really happy.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Soccer has started!

Ryleigh was all excited for soccer, she was not nervous in any way shape or form. Devan on the other hand was a little taken back to the idea. At one point she even said she didn't want to try. We gave her the option  not to play, she was apprehensive but she didn't want to not play either. Chris was working for their first practice so I took them myself. I thought it was really sweet that Ryleigh asked Devan to be her partner so she wouldn't be shy. Within minutes they both warmed up and decided they love soccer.  The kids are all at the same level basically, this helped with their confidence. They were supposed to have a game the next day but it was canceled due to rain. Next weekend there will be game, the girls are excited to get their purple shirts.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


We have our puppy! We picked him up today, the girls were so excited when the found out the puppy they were snuggling belonged to them. I have thought about this dream coming true for them for a long time! They LOVE Saiga with all their hearts. He is a little spoiled to say the least.

Sami and her father knew the puppy was a surprise to the girls, they had him inside and bathed waiting for us to arrive! He was so cute. When we first got there we visted with the Momma dog and other pups before going inside to see Saiga. To make sure our experience of getting a dog was one to remember pleasantly, we (Chris and I) picked out which one was perfect for us without the girls. We didn't want the girls to fight over which one they wanted and there were A LOT to pick from. Saiga came from a litter of 14. We also wanted a calm puppy, kids tend to want to pick the most obnoxious and rowdy puppy. I will admit I feel a little quilty not letting them pick, but in the end they got a puppy their love SO much.

Poor Ry fell hard on her back down the stairs as we were leaving. She stopped in a second when I told her she could hold Saiga on the way home. Poor girl. Devan was in charge of bringing Saiga in the house when we got home. He poops and pee's outside like a good little puppy. 

We played with Sami and her boys for a bit before we left, Wyatt and Garrett are adorable!

Those glasses were so stinkin' funny. Garrett, (on top) looks like Bubbles.

Saiga at home

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Typical school week.

We are a month into 1st grade, it now feels like we never had the summer off. The familiar school activities and schedules are in full swing. I have a love hate relationship with school. I am pretty sure (know) I would hate the girls not having some way to occupy their time on a daily basis. At the same time I miss being able to pick up and go when we want. Soccer starts tomorrow, practice is on Sunday's and games on Saturday's. There goes our weekends, and this is why I LOVE SUMMER. Even though season wise nothing compares to fall.

A typical school day starts with getting up (me) at 5:30 getting in the shower, then making as much noise as I can packing the girls lunch to wake them. Next it is a mad dash of getting three girls out the door for our day. I can't complain about afternoons, most of the time I am home by 3:45 this makes me very happy. We relax, make dinner pick up the house and spend time together.

Tonight the girls took a bath, we gave up on baths a few years back. The girls hated taking them together, filling the tub twice and fighting with them to get out was too time consuming for our busy schedules. Plus it was one more thing on the list of things the girls needed assistance with. I can say, "go take a shower" and after complaining and fighting over who goes first they take a shower all by themselves! Yay. Tonight I used TONS of bubbles and let the girls play for a while. They fought over space and splashed all over the bathroom, reminding me of why they no longer take baths. Next time I am letting them take one seperate, because you are never too old for a bath.

After a bath I decided to take on trimming their hair. This has needed to be done for a while but I have put it off partially because I am too cheap to pay 40 bucks for their hair to be trimmed plus I wanted a TINY trim. Every time I say just a trim the hair dresser gets all scissor crazy on me and takes off more then I wanted. Surprisingly it was easy as pie and their hair turned out just fine. The girls don't have really straight hair but it is not curly by any means. If I was to wash it and let it air dry it would have poof and a little curl to it. I straighten their hair some times ( I know, pathetic) if I put curling cream in it when it is still wet they can pull off curly hair.  I wish sometimes they had, comb, clip and go hair but they don't.

Today was a special day for Ry... as you can see. She was so proud! I love seeing all the school work come home. There is a big difference in school work between Kindergarten and 1st grade.
Ry's apple tree.
Another favorite thing to do during the week it bust out the crock pot. It is not an easy task, this has to be done in the morning. Some mornings there is just not enough time, no matter how I plan on making time. The days I do get to it makes a world of difference on the back end. Today I made spaghetti sauce and it was yummy! All I had to do was cook some paste and garlic bread and a delicious dinner was made!

The many faces of my silly girls.

Doop was not feeling her best tonight. Poor kid. She begged for ibuprofen and TV. 

The best part of being home so early is the girls actually have time to play.

This was a completely random and unedited post, I had good intentions but I am so tired I couldn't find the effort I wanted to put into this blog. Oh well. It is another post of memories, glorious or not. Now it is time to climb in bed and watch some TV. I usually don't watch TV but it is too early to sleep and my body can't take not being in bed right now. I feel like I have run a marathon today.
Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy