Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences.

Our parent teacher conferences were pretty much any parents dream. We found out our children are perfect little girls at school and they are excelling like crazy!

This really didn't surprise me but I thought they were would be at least one area for improvement with each of them. Not to say we don't work on school work like crazy at home anyway.

Ryleigh's teacher told me all the kids have a list of stuff to do every day for "stations" they have an hour and a half to do this... apprentely my child bust through this list in an hour everyday. Ryleigh is helpful with the other children and often helps the teacher by reviewing her answers with the other kids while the teacher focuses on the children that need a little extra help. Gosh I love this little girl. She is so helpful and caring. Ryleigh told me about getting through her work quickly but I didn't realize it was a race everyday to help the other kids. Ry is the 3rd top reader in her class. Mrs Mcintosh said that the two readers above her are WAY above her and are reading way above a 1st grade level. The goal is to have the kids writing and reading skills at the same level verus being stronger in reading then writing. Ry is at the same level! The two children that are very good readers are not quite there with their writing so they are grouped together in hopes of increasing skills by working together. The idea is they boost Ryleigh's reading which is already above where she needs to be and she boosts their writing skills. This is not to say that Ryleigh will sail through 1st grade with no issues, her teacher said the expectations are high and they have a lot to learn. Ry's teacher says she's very outgoing and kind.  I know she will do just fine and I am one very PROUD Momma.

Moving on to Devan AKA Momma's Doopy Lady.

Let me just start by saying last years parent teacher's conference and this years were night and day from each other! I say this in a good way! DEVAN loves school and she is the class clown this year. She is very outgoing and always talking. Although she is silly and fun she can settle down and get to business too. She like her sister, is in the highest reading group for her class. Her writing is above her reading skills so we will step up the reading even more at home! Devan get's stressed to the max with math but she is good at it too. We will practice at home so her confidence in her math will improve. It was no surprise to me that Devan is a wonderful story writer! She is a very creative girl. We often find her up before anyone at home writing in the living room and coloring away. She is also very artistic. I love seeing drawings come home, she does a great job! It must be a first grade thing, everyday Devan comes home with tons of pictures and notes from her friends. This year she is leaning towards playing with the girls more then the boys! She loves girly things. I almost fell over backwards when she told me she wanted to be Cinderella for Halloween. Go Doopy! So proud of you!

When Mommy and Daddy left the school we were so proud! We were going to do a movie after, an Idea I got on Facebook from another awesome Mommy to two beautiful girls. We ended up going the weekend before, I knew the girls would earn it! So we settled for grabbing dinner and a junky convenient store toy and tic tacs. Believe it or not this was AWESOME to my amazing little girls.

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy