Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Childhood inocence.

Today a simple name brought childhood memories pouring back in like they happened just yesterday. It's funny I can feel like I am back to my childhood with just a quick thought back to my youth. Everything feels so familiar and I want to go back. Go back to when I got my sweet 90's style baggie pants from My Aunt Gail and Uncle Bill for my 6th birthday I still remember exactly how I felt in them, like I owned the world. Or when my first bike arrived on my 4th birthday and I demanded my training wheels be taken off the same day and I road off like had always ridden. A week later I blew out my tires from "burning out" and rode my sisters 10 speed (when she was at school and it was safe to use it). I would walk it over to the fence climb up onto it and drive around until I was back at the fence and could climb down. I was up shit creek without a paddle if I fell down but I never thought about it then. My brother and I spent hours playing together, Lego's, cars, exploring and everything else we came up with. No matter what we picked we had a few characters made up that we used all the time. It's funny at that time how it was nothing, we made them up and both understood, it was like we were one mind. I always played Maggie and Sean was Jim, we had twin boys named Michael and Bobby and a dog names Jock. I drove a purple and pink shiny matchbox car, Jim was a cop. There was a store down the road named Ambles, owned by Amble herself. Jim's father lived with us, he was a fan or aerobics. I can't believe just how much I remember about this game we played. We would build a logo house each time we played and discuss characters. I don't really recall "playing" with the characters. I think it was mostly our way of exploring what we wanted out of this big world some day. I can remember one snowy day getting excited over tomato soup as Sarah and I sat laughing watching Sean build a fort outside while the snow fell down. I don't ever want to forget the joy and excitement I had in my heart growing up. Sean and I never argued with our too cool sister about the front seat of the car ;) but not because we didn't think we could win once in a while. Because we played Garfield and Odie in the back seat pretending we were driving. Once upon a time two door cars had this nifty little lever on the back of the drivers seat that flipped the seat forward when getting out. It just so happened that this lever would let the seat lean ALL the way back if you pushed it when someone was sitting in it. You can just imagine a 9 year old boy pretending he was driving, of course he would use the lever a peddle. When your mom is in traffic taking off you'd think it would be a good time to pretend to hit your accelerator. Only to really hit the lever and send your mother in the back seat WITH you at the same time she has punched the gas peddle. LMAO, insert ration of shit here. HA HA. Sean and Sarah once blacked out our room with blankets on the window and pretended we were orphans trying to find our way to a safe place in the forest. They somehow along the lines convinced my 4 year old self that what we were playing could actually come true. Turn your sisters socks inside out and peel the blanket away from the window and she will believe you when you tell her the sun will make her turn into a monster. I still remember being scared to death. We ran out to tell Mum and she gave us the yeah that's great do whatever you want as long as you play together without fighting look while she cleaned the house. I didn't get this look then but I know it now because I have smiled the same way at my girls. Thinking yup great just go back to playing, as they run off with excitement galore. There are so many memories, it would take me all day to list them all.  The memories themselves don't matter half as much as the happiness that comes back when I think about growing up with my Mom, Sister and Brother. To anyone else this post will appear sporadic and unorganized but to me it does exactly what it was intended for reminding me of special times in my life. It was not prefect but it was our life created by our Mom who wished the world for us. Thanks Momma B.

1 comment:

  1. there are many days that I have the thought that didn't do anything right when you guys were growing up and then I read a piece like this and I know I must have done something right. love you guys with every bit of my being.


Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy