Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Saturday, August 31, 2013


I took my sister and a few of her "peeps" to a Ke$ha concert. It was a bit over the top. Kayla and her friends are older so I wasn't about to run them out of the concert or anything dramatic but I was a bit taken back. If I was the mom to the twelve year old girl sitting in front of us we would have straight up called it a loss and left. Hearing a grown woman sing to an audience of young girls about sex and being inappropriate was disturbing. There were children younger then my girls there. What disturbed me more then Ke$ha was the way these young girls portray themselves now. My children will NOT be caught dead prancing around in shorts that show their butt cheeks. Seriously, how do you teach your child self respect when you encourage them to use their bodies to draw attention to themselves. It is not going to be easy, I want my girls to fit in and have the right amount of freedom but more then that I want them to have morals. Kayla and her friends had a great time, they were there to enjoy music they love. To experience seeing someone you adore performing before you own eyes. Where songs you have heard over and over sound magical and leave goosebumps on your arms as adrenaline rushes through your body as thousands of people who are there for the same reasons scream and dance like nothing else in the world matters. They didn't even move from their seats, they are a great group of kids. I tried not to be too much of a downer, I wanted them to enjoy themselves :) I spent time on my phone refreshing facebook waiting for pictures of my kids to show up. First was a pizza party at their sleep over then smoores. Each picture put a smile of my face and I was even more thankful for my kids and being so grounded and happy with where I am in life. I missed them last night and couldn't wait to see them but I was happy to watch Kayla and her friends have such a good time. I have heard my whole life that you can't shelter your kids, especially after last night I will be doing are fair amount of sheltering. This world is so big and versatile, it is too much for a maturing mind to sort through and make good choices. I get that they have to fall and get burned to learn and I will let them, I just want them to be kids as long as they can. Cell phones, and facebook and tight jeans will all have to wait.

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy