Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter fun! And my cutie girls thoughts

Ryleigh and I made this fort about a week ago when we ended up with over a foot of snow! We have had pretty awesome snow storms so far. I kind of like the feeling of being snowed in... the rest of the world doesn't matter just being home with your family does. Chris and I took the girls out to play Chris plowed the driveway Devan sat in a pile of snow "her castle" and Ry helped me.

So I woke up this morning to Devan poking me. I sat up to give her a hug and she said "Mom my heart is beating fast, I think I am going with the angels." Lately they have been thinking about their Nannies dog and cousin grace that are no longer with us which is what I think brought this on. She is so cute I love her so much. Needless to say she is fine.

Devan "Hey mom come listen to this song it is so beautiful it is making me cry" She has such an appreciation for music.

Ryleigh " Mom I want a little brother and if you have one I will give him my yellow silky blankie. But not my pink one." "and mom I will pick up all my small toys and put them on my top shelf."

Devan "Daddy says not till mommy is done with school and has a new motorcycle Ryleigh Girl."

The things they say are just too cute. I go back and forth wanting a baby. Right now I want one really bad but It would be completely unpractical until I finish school. Also I think about when the girls are grown up and I am a Grammy. I want to be able to divide my attention up between just a few grandchildren so I can be super involved. Today I want another baby tomorrow I wont lol

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Almost done with school :)

I am attending school for Medical Assisting and have been for some time now, I am at the tail end of my journey and couldn't be happier. I worked and went to school this summer which was not easy with two kids but I managed to keep a 3.7 GPA. I took my classes online thinking it would be easier and knowing I couldn't afford to put the girls in day care and go to school full time. I figured online classes would be easier but boy was I wrong. They cram a lot of work into a week. My test were timed to make sure you weren't looking up answers which was OK because that means I was actually learning what we were going over. Another problem I ran into was finding a spot to do my clinical work. I live in Maine and the nearest hospital is 30 minutes away and the next after that is an almost an hour. I did manage to secure a site and I will start my externship on Feb 1st. Chris's dads wife and my mom will be watching the girls for me where I wont be making any money during this process. I am excited but a little nervous as well. I am going to have to do a lot of driving to drop the girls off and go to work but it will all pay off in the end. I can't believe I am finally almost done! 2 months of  pure exhaustion and it will be over then I can take my test and become a certified MA. One of the major reasons I am doing this is for my girls, I want to provide more for them as well as set a good example. I never really thought of doing it for myself because I would have given up too easily. Now that I am at the end I realize that I did do this for myself as well. 

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chop Chop goodbye long locks

Sooo I have been wanting to cut the girls hair for a while now and every time I chicken out. My sister has always cut my hair and today she gave me a trim and I decided to let her do the girls. Their hair was half way down their back and usually messy. They wore it up a lot but the updo's just weren't that cute when their hair was long. Every time they wore their hair down I would straighten it. They didn't mind this at all but I didn't think it was very appropriate for 4 year olds. I love the new hair a lot but it still stings to look at pics of their hair long. My sister wasn't thrilled with the outcome and wants to take them to have a cute little bob, but I am pretty satisfied. After all it took a couple minutes to throw in some pig tails after tonight's bath.



Ha ha Devan being silly. "What did you do mom?"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Dr ordered me to take it easy

So I went to the Drs the other day thinking I had some major woman problems. Cramps were unbearable and all of the time. I could deal with that until the sharp pains happened. I made in appointment and headed in not thinking that what I heard was even a possibility. I have the start of two hernias. They are bulging and coming through the "rings" but have not broke through. I have to take it easy because even lifting the girls could make the hernia pop through. Ewwww just the thought makes me cringe. Funny I didn't know what happened before and never took it easy. Now I am afraid to move. The worst part I can't exercise anymore. The pain I felt while exercising was the hernia's and they hurt... I am so bummed. I want another opinion I am only 24 to me it seams ridiculous not to have it taken care of now. Part of me wants to lift the girls work out and have it pop through so I can have the surgery. They say over time it could strengthen and heal on it's own. I have never heard of a hernia fixing it's self. I guess this is common for woman who have had C sections. In the mean time I am brining the girls to school I foresee a major melt down when I drop them off. Devan likes to be carried... maybe this is a good thing Sorry Devan you are walking today.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Disappointing entertainment

I love all the people that instantly assume you have it easy having twins. "They entertain each other" Yes maybe they do but not always is the most positive way. Besides that it is the physical challenge, getting two one year old outside and in the car with a foot and a half of snow on the ground. Feeding, bathing and everything else that is times two. Believe me I wouldn't want it any other way, I wanted them since I was four and still am in shock I have them but there are days that having two is a lot harder.

Back to the "they entertain each other" thing. I think we have all have been disappointed by the entertainment we have sometimes. I don't think any movie I have chosen to see in the theater was worth it. It is usually the ones I wait to come out to see that would have been worth it. lol Here is the girls getting cheated on their entertainment.

Yes this is my sweet little Devan whacking her sister in the head with a giant piece of cardboard. 

It is moments like these that makes twins more difficult. Or any siblings for that matter.

For the record I was not the one taking this pic, I was standing by not paying attention. It took a couple whacks before I realized what was going on.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Play Place

We found a new place to take the girls to and let them run off some energy. The last place we found before this was an hour away so we rarely went there. The new place is called The Play Place. It is huge, with bounce houses, a ball pit, cars and bikes, a fort, dress up, a kitchen, doll houses, lego's, trains, books, jungle gyms, and so much more. We spent a while there today and the girls didn't even notice half of the things there. It was so much fun and the best part ... it is right up the road. Where we live in Maine it is not often that you find a place like this at all let alone this nice and a few miles away. We are super excited :)

Here are some pictures of the girls playing

So I showed this picture to Daddy and he said what I knew he was going to "see they still fit in those." The girls had cars like these and we handed them down because I thought they were too big for them. Plus we live in the country there is either grass or a dirt driveway that is also a hill to ride them on. The driveway is not safe and they don't work on grass. 


Devan being a silly girl 


I loved the alphabet


Ryleigh was on the run. Note her slippers they worked awesome there. Some things required no shoes so instead of going back and forth we used their LL Bean slippers. 


The ball pit was a huge hit, unless there were other kids in it. Then the girls decided to move on to something else. 


Playing in the kitchen, don't ask what Chris's mom is doing. I think she had more fun then them lol.

When we first got their Ryleigh had a fit that all the cars were out in the middle of the floor so she lined them all up then picked up things she noticed that were out of place along the way. She even tried to vacuum with a fake vacuum. lol she has a little of her mommy in her.
Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy