Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Disappointing entertainment

I love all the people that instantly assume you have it easy having twins. "They entertain each other" Yes maybe they do but not always is the most positive way. Besides that it is the physical challenge, getting two one year old outside and in the car with a foot and a half of snow on the ground. Feeding, bathing and everything else that is times two. Believe me I wouldn't want it any other way, I wanted them since I was four and still am in shock I have them but there are days that having two is a lot harder.

Back to the "they entertain each other" thing. I think we have all have been disappointed by the entertainment we have sometimes. I don't think any movie I have chosen to see in the theater was worth it. It is usually the ones I wait to come out to see that would have been worth it. lol Here is the girls getting cheated on their entertainment.

Yes this is my sweet little Devan whacking her sister in the head with a giant piece of cardboard. 

It is moments like these that makes twins more difficult. Or any siblings for that matter.

For the record I was not the one taking this pic, I was standing by not paying attention. It took a couple whacks before I realized what was going on.

1 comment:

  1. I understand you. I don't people think is easy to have twins.

    Have a nice week.


Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy