Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Upta Camp

My brother, sister in law (this sounds funny because she has been my best friend since high school) the girls and my niece and nephew went to camp the last week in August. We went to Auroa Maine, deep in the woods with no power and no body around for miles and miles. We did see one person on a boat out on spectacle pond. The water was just feet from the front deck, there was a gas stove for cooking and plenty of space to hang out and have some good quality family fun. I caught my first fish up to camp when Crystal and I took the canoe out while my brother was at the shore line with two-five year olds a four year old and a one year old. We roasted marshmallows by the camp fire, swam, played games and took a couple boat rides. Our trip was ended short because of hurricane Irene but by the time we left we were all ready to come home and have a long hot shower.

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy