Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dentist here we come...

Soooo I took the girls to the dentist today. I took Kanah with me just in case the girls got out of control lol. Leighton tagged along with us and was a super help. Turns out the girls love the dentist and were very cooperative.

Devan and Woody

 Getting her teeth all sparkling clean

Leighton and Ry hanging out


 Ryleigh girl

Ry and Leighton again


 Ryleigh getting her teeth all sparkly clean.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Finally the flu has left and our house and our Christmas post has arrived

I got the great idea to list all of the girls favorite present from one of my favorite blogs to follow, a mommy with the most adorable triplets http://quilaotriplets.blogspot.com/

The girls has an exciting Christmas that went a little different then I was hoping
but it was still packed with love and super fun. Daddy had to work on x mas... he was supposed to work 12 hours but got let out a couple hours early to celebrate with us!

We started the day out at the "neighbors" my aunt and uncles.

Next we went to Grammy's to see all the girls cousins!

Then we headed to Daddy's dads (Grampy and Mimi)

Finally around 5 we made it home for Christmas with Chris the girls and I. They were so excited to open their gifts. Ryleigh really wanted the Barbie I can be vet center and cried when she opened it shouting it was the best christmas ever... fast forward 2 seconds and again she had to go potty and hates to do her business as it is but especially hates it when it is for the 10 time that day. Just my luck the flu hit her the day before Christmas. She sat on the potty crying it was the worst Christmas ever... that was until she was back in the living room opening more gift.

Devan shook like crazy when she opened up her favorte present Woody... this is all she wanted for Christmas.  She really loves that cowboy lol.

A few days later we had Christmas with Chris's mom and her husband (the girls nanny and Grammpy George)

Below are some x mas pics and some pics of the hottest items in the girls eyes that were under our tree this year.

Our favorite things ...

LL Bean slipper in the girls favorite animal

Barbie I can be vet

Lincoln logs were a huge hit!

Tons of clothes this outfit being one of my favorites.

 Boots (like all the girls in their class) lol

The movie Up this movie is awesome and is played daily now. 

Here are the girls on Christmas day


Samantha Chris little sister with one of the girls lol 

I hope every one had a very Merry Christmas !!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday festivities

We have been busy viviting for the holdiays. I am getting so exctited for Christmas. Daddy works twelve hours on Christmas day this year so we are celebrating at night. I will keep the girls busy visiting family during the day!!

I took some pictures of the girls by the tree a few days ago and lets just say it was not one of the most cooperative photo shoots we have had. LOL I guess that is to be expected with two almost 4 year olds.

Last year we went to a Christmas festival by the sea and had a blast until
we met Mr Grinch
The girls were terrified of Mr Grinch, they threw a major melt down
almost running in the street to get away from him.
They were curious about him though and wanted to watch the movie so we did.
They clung to Chris and I the whole time and regreted ever wanting to watch it at bed time.

Mr Grinsh was Chris's favorite when we was little. This year his mom brought over a stuffed
Mr grinch that he had from when we was little. The girls are OK with Mr Grinch being around they just make sure he camps out on the couch not in their room.

The girls have grown up a lot. Devan brought out her stuffed santa from when they were little and
said "check out Santa" it reminded me of when they were younger
and referred to him as "Santen" I can't believe they are 4 now.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I want this in the worst way

So I was admiring all the cute ornaments with initials on them everyone has on their page... then I realized who the real maker of these bulbs were. The idea is awesome and the owner of the idea Two Little Monkeys (who by the way are very cute little monkeys.)

I got up this morning to check out the blog and saw the bulbs again
and thought I should really try to make some of these.
Of course the next thing that happened is a image popped in my head of my finished
product and of course it was not very pretty.

I read down a little further and realized I could win a set of three bulbs :)

I am ecstatic. When the girls were little we had a lady give us bulbs for the girls
with their names on them but ... they were nothing like these. And along the way Ryleighs
bulb got broken (two year olds sometimes make more of a mess decorating then anything)
When we were doing the tree the other day she said "Mommy where is name bulb?" I felt
really bad. And thought I could get crafty and make one for her... ha ha

Head on over to Say what Wednesday and Give away time. To enter

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We set off to find the perfect tree...

**Wordful Wednesday* is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s)
but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them).

Chris the girls, Chris's mom (Nanny) her husband (Grammpy George)
and I went on Sunday to get a tree!

I like getting our tree early but I have a horrible time
remembering to water the darn thing so we waited until now.

We went to cut our own! Of course Daddy couldn't be happy
with the little saw they gave us, he brought the chain saw.

We walked and walked until we found the right one.
I like a tall tree Chris like a fat tree.
We got a tall fat tree.

I have always wanted to change the living room around and put
the tree by the window but we couldn't
with our old furniture. Now we can!

here are some pics of picking out our tree.

These one's were tiny

Mommy and Ryleigh.

Oops leave to me to put the fuzzy picture up lol.

It needs some more decorations, these were enough
for our tree's in past but they weren't nearly this big.

I just have to say I don't think I could deal with not living in Maine for Christmas.
Any other time of year I want out of here. lol 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

1 birthday part down 1 to go...

The girls had their party for their friends yesterday and it went really well.
All the kids were super excited and had so much fun.

I did learn a few things though that I will keep in the back of my head for next years party

1.) Hide the roller skates.
2.) Request that parents don't drop their 4 year old kid off and leave. I can't imagine doing this, Maybe when they are older.
3.) Make it later in the day so the girls can have a nap before.

All in all we had such an awesome time. We had a pretty good turn out too. Ryleigh is still upset that we didn't invite her teacher Courtney. She told me "when I get to school tomorrow I am going to tell Courtney that she can come to my family birthday party"  She is so cute, she really likes her Courtney



Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wordful Wednesday keep on smiling

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them).

Wordful Wednesday for me this week is things that put a smile on my face.

Yes I realize they are commpletely random.
This first pic was taken when I had just come out of the girls room for the 3rd time in 10 minutes to break up a fight. I was making Chris a buffalo chicken pizza, I poured the buffalo sauce in the pan
I had to run in the girls room to be referee and when I came back I found this. Ha ha I think it was a sign.

Next pic... This is how I found Devan sleeping when I checked on her a couple weeks ago.

Next is a cute little face that could make anyone smile

And last I found the girls using my cabnet as a hide out. I luaghed because days before I was laughed at
by family that of course there was no clutter on it. Well guys it's full now.

Happy wordful wednesday 

Monday, December 7, 2009

Yup they are definitely in school

I can't help but notice some of the girls behaviors and events that have happened sets reality in that
they are "school kids" now.

It is funny too because as a kids once you are in school
you think you are a "big kid"

I really need to break out my manual on the girls and look again for pause rewind,
It has to be there somewhere.

The girls attended their first birthday party for one of their school friends.
The girls share a best friend, his name is Cameron.
He told his mom that "his girls" had to come to the party.


Another thing that reminds me of "school kids" is how fast the girls are learning.
They have mastered writing their names
and Daddy and I are super proud of them.


I love doing crafty projects with the girls and of course they love it too.
The last project we did were candy cane names.
You can't tell in the picture that their names are on the candy canes but they are
and it was super fun.

Ryleigh is my little artist she loves to color, Devan not as much
but she does once in a while.

This is Ryleigh's picture of a kitty

Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy