*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them).
Wordful Wednesday for me this week is things that put a smile on my face.
Yes I realize they are commpletely random.
This first pic was taken when I had just come out of the girls room for the 3rd time in 10 minutes to break up a fight. I was making Chris a buffalo chicken pizza, I poured the buffalo sauce in the pan
I had to run in the girls room to be referee and when I came back I found this. Ha ha I think it was a sign.
Next pic... This is how I found Devan sleeping when I checked on her a couple weeks ago.
Next is a cute little face that could make anyone smile
And last I found the girls using my cabnet as a hide out. I luaghed because days before I was laughed at
by family that of course there was no clutter on it. Well guys it's full now.
Happy wordful wednesday
So fun to find those little things in life that make us smile! My girls love to climb into our hall closet~and lucky us that it has 3 shelves:)