Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Medium Does Not Exist Here and A Little of Everything.

Happy Medium Does Not Exist Here, and this is all aspects. I seriously have the hardest time finding a happy medium.  Examples

1.) Never blog... over blog ( I imagine I will end back at never blog HA)
2.) Diet obsessively or not at all.
3.) Get crafty (REALLY crafty until all hours of the night) and then give it up completely)
4.) My latest... Coffee I went from never really being consistent drinking coffee to all the time (like 3 cups per day)
The list only goes on and on :) I think everyone that knows me can contest to this.

On another note I started the Dukan Diet today.
I am hoping I don't fall off the wagon : /  It is very disciplined and there is nothing you can't eat (in time) I took a survey which told me I had to do the all protein phase for 3 days. I am going to try 7... I hope this works. My goal weight is 135 : )  There are several phases, and each phase adds more to the diet. In the attack phase you can eat only protein for 3-10 days. Next you alternate protein and veggie days with just protein days. You do this until you reach your goal weight. Once you reach your goal weight you add in fruit once daily and whole grain bread. You continue on with this for some time ( I have a ways to go before I am there so I am not sure exactly how long) At this point you can also have 2 celebration meals per week. WHAT EVER you want! It even states it can be ice cream. I believe you have to do this phase for a week for every pound you lost... I could be wrong though. During this phase you must do all proteins days as well.  Then after you are done with that you can eat what you want (with common sense) as long as you have one all protein day a week.  You also increase exercising as you go. The first phase is only  20 minute walk a day. The goal is to not shed all the weight at once and gradually add food back in so you learn to have them in moderation. I will admit it was tough today, I wanted to throw in the towel on day one : / It was especially hard when I went to lunch with Chris today and had to drive through Dunkan Donuts and get him lunch : ( I wanted a coffee with cream and sugar real bad. I can have coffee it just has to be with lowfat milk and sweetener not sugar.
 Blueberry pancakes.
Before my  diet started and I could actually eat them, the girls could not wait to have blueberry pancakes! We have a small blueberry patch behind our house, that for years I have picked blueberries for the girls out of. This year they did most of the picking themselves. They were dying for pancakes ever since we went to camp, we were going to try to find the huge blueberry fields up that way and make blueberry pancakes. The guys, searched high and low ( probably more like the last 2 minutes before they finally came back to camp) looking for the fields and they didn't find them. SO when we got home we picked from our own patch.

See how close our house is to the blueberries <3

The girls took the majority of the photo's Ry has taken a lot of interest in taking pictures with my camera lately.

She Goes Nowhere Without Him.

 Bolt was a stuffed animal Devan's teacher had bought as a take home stuffed animal. When it was your child's turn to take home Bolt he came in a homemade bag along with a notebook. In the notebook your child had to write about all the fun they had with bolt for that night / weekend. To say Devan fell in love with Bolt would be an understatement. He was so important to her. School ended and everyone had to announce what they would miss most about school, Devan stated she would mostly miss Bolt. Ryleigh was pretty fond of Bolt herself! For the girls half birthday we bought them each a Bolt (sold as Luna) I searched the internet and found them on Amazon. I was more excited then them when they arrived. I let the girls shake the box and guess what was in it... HA neither of them guessed. Ryleigh dropped the box and I said "Ryleigh what if that is an i pod" They both shrieked yelling "we got i pods" I broke the news that there were no i pods in the box and they were bummed until they opened Bolt!
I love their faces when they got their own owl's, Devan's was named Bolt and Ryleigh names her Luna <3 

Here of some pictures of the random places Bolt has shown up today with Devan, and our walk / bike ride tonight.

Bolt waited on the toilet for Devan to take her shower, joined her for dinner and a bike ride. It is rare that he is not with her.

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy