Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Identity Theft

We have been having some identify issues lately. These issues come and go and it is ALWAYS Devan who takes the blunt. My heart hurts for her. We have the, you are you nobody else be yourself, talk all the time but I guess you can't help what you don't know. The girls are fraternal twins, this has not been proven scientifically but we assume. There is a chance they are identical, if the egg splits within 24 hours of being fertilized then identical twins can have separate sacs and placentas, which the girls had. I look at them now and think no way they are identical, however their baby pictures, unless the picture is labeled I have not a clue. They look just enough alike where people who don't know them well can't tell them apart. Kids at school are fascinated with them being twins. There are several sets of twins in their school. There is a set that look JUST alike and others say mine look more alike than those girls. I guess we are all confused. My poor little Devan wants so much to NOT be like her sister. She wants to be known as Devan. She is so persuasive. One day she is all dresses and sometimes it last months, then there are times when it is a plain shirt and jeans for weeks. She does back and forth. The bottom line, she likes to be girly but HATES it when her friends and others tell her she looks or dresses like her sister.  Poor kid. She has worn fake glasses EVERY SINGLE DAY since before Christmas because nobody ever mistakes her. Don't get me wrong she loves her sister so very much, she likes being a twin but she is struggling.  The other day in the bathroom while combing out their obnoxiously uncooperative hair, I told them they were getting cuts, especially if we were going to Florida this year. Ry instantly said she didn't want her hair cut, she wanted it long. I made the mistake of telling her she had to put in a bigger effort of doing her hair if she wanted it long. AHHHHH, every day she half combs it out and puts it in a low ponytail. The top of her hair is rarely ever combed. Devan said eh, I don't care. I have always kept their hair the same way. As for clothes they have a lot of similar pieces but don't really wear them at the same time. The funny thing is once in a while they come out dressed the same. More so in the summer when they are around people who can tell them apart.

Last night I had a genius idea! I asked Devan if she could get her hair different from sissy ANYWAY she wanted, what would you pick?  She opted for the bob type cut they had in kindergarten that was chin length. She followed her request with, "when are we doing this, this weekend?"

This is a big step for me, I hope I am not to blame with her stressing out over her identity. I am not a twin so I don't know what it was like. Ever since I was a little girl I talked about wanting twins. Sometimes it still feels like a dream. Twin girls, I am a lucky Momma for sure, not just because of them being twins but how awesome they both are. The older they get the more the whole twin things fades anyway, yes they are twins and will always will be but the attention they get from it fades.

SO, I plan on making Devan an appt for this afternoon if I can, for a short cut. I'm excited. I think she is going to have enough hair to donate to locks of love too! her hair is sooo long right now. Eeeek I don't know who is more excited, me or her.

Here she is with her haircut back in Kindergarten :) So CUTE. It fits her well.

Devan on the right in BLUE of course.

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy