Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday August 30th

I love them, so much.
They make any day bearable. 
I keep thinking of how nice things are going to get next week when my new schedule starts! Yayyy 

Total cuteness. 

LUNCH date with Randi and of course CODY! He is adorable by the way!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Grade!

The girls, we pumped this morning. They had picked out the cutest leggings and tunics to wear but Devan changed her mind last minute and wanted to wear her Snoopy shirt. I wasn't going to argue it was her first day not mine,  Ry said she wanted to wear her Snoopy shirt as well. I told her to wear what she wanted, as you can see they both opted for the laid back first day outfit. I have to say they looked mighty cute.

Ryleigh was all excitment this morning, Devan was nervous. She had so many butterflied I let her have a Poptart instead of a heavy breakfast, she could hardly hand that.

When I take their pictures I just sit back and watch all the silliness. Their poses this morning cracked me up. Devan had a surfer pose lol. I love when I get real smiles, those cheesy hurry up, did you get it yet mom smiles drive me nuts.

Ryleigh came home stating 1st Grade rocks, Devan came home tired and grumpy. She was appalled that the kindergartener's can use "their" bathroom but they can't use the kindergarten bathroom. She is going to have the whole upperclassman thing down packed.

The bus was REALLY late tonight, Karen called me at work a "little" freaked out. The bus had to go back to the school a few times to pick up additional kids. Devan and Ry have a great bus driver, so I knew they were safe.

Overall the day was good! We have learned flats are too girly for Devan, she couldn't play Ninja Cat on the playground... Kid seriously I love you. I had to break out the sewing machine this morning in frantic mode to alter the girls shirts. They were really roomy (I mean REALLY roomy) in the trunk area so I took them in an inch or more on each side. They were giving me the, if you mess up my favorite shirt I am going to be ticked eye. Ry begged to wear makeup and perfume, I told her that was ridiculous and she turned around and told me so was straightening my hair Mom. She has a point so I let her think she was wearing mascara. Pick your battles right?  We finished out the night at Randi and Clint's and went to get an ice cream. Now I am patiently waiting soccer sign up sheets to come home!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Twas The Night Before 1st Grade!

The girls were so wild when I picked them up tonight, they have excitement mixed with nervousness. They are silly and loud and completely rambunctious.

Poor Doop got stung twice while brushing her teeth tonight. A bee flew out from behind the blind and got her good. Poor kid, she got stung yesterday on the ear too. 

Here are some pictures I snapped of the girls the night before they started 1st grade! I can't believe we are here already. 

Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy