Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weekend in review.

Saturday was spent visiting Devan's kindergarten teacher, back to the toy store and grocery shopping.

Where Ms. McKechnie will be teaching at a different school this coming year, Devan was beyond excited to get to see her.  We have been babysitting Ms. McKechnie's crabs this summer. Devan basically told Chris and I that we HAD to let her have the crabs because we refused to let her have a drake.  Ms. McKechnie is responsible for a big part of Devan's love for animals, teaching about animals and nature was a big part of their kindergarten year. They learned about owls, we all know how crazy Devan is about owls.  Chris said today I love that she loves birds, watch and see, we will end up with a bird. Really Chris I think I may draw the line at a bird. We are getting a puppy, we have a cat, we have hermit crabs staying with us for the time being... a bird might put me over the edge. All animals from here on out must to their business OUTSIDE.  Devan has a real soft spot in her heart for Ms. Mckechnie, when we left her new class on Saturday after our visit, Devan stated she was happy we didn't give the crabs back because we would get to see her again. During our visit Ms Mckechnie gave each of the girls a few books to take home, they were pretty stoked, we read four out of five the moment we got home. I brought my camera but I left it in the car : / the next time we see her I will have to remember to grab a picture of her and Devan. Devan would cherish it forever.

Next I brought the girls to the toy store I checked out on my lunch break on Friday. Of course they loved it! They both left with a new owl. Devan got a Great Horned Owl and Ry got a Snowy Owl.

Sunday we took the girls shooting then Sarah and Brayden came over! It was so nice to see Auntie and Brady.
Brayden's visit.

Ry helped Momma fold laundry!

Here are a few pictures the girls took themselves! They have been showing a lot of interest lately in taking pictures.

Only one more weekend before 1st Grade! Wow I can't believe we are here already.


Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy