Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Sparklin' clean!

Forty-five minutes made a world of difference for my night! I was out in time to go grocery shopping without the twins! I picked them up at Karens...  I swear they were jacked up on sugar when I arrived. Leighton their cousin was pumped to the max. If I didn't know Karen better I would have really thought she gave them a bag of candy each. I rallied the girlies up, threw some din din at them and begged (and bribed) them to clean their room. It was not a great night for Devan, she refused to listen and let the giggles go, this made it hard for her to be productive at all. It also was putting a damper on everyone else's progress. I warned her 3 times if she did not calm down and help out she would not be able to stay up and watch a show. I listened to her taunt her sister, break Ryleigh's foam airplane and continue to be a royal pain in the a$$ before I told her she had lost the privilege of staying up. She was immediately heart broken. She began picking up like a mad woman. I felt bad and thought about caving and letting her stay up but she had already lost that option. I have noticed lately that my caving, or threatening with things that I don't follow through on is showing in the girls behavior.  This is not helping anyone so it needs to be nipped in the butt right away.

After Ry was tucked in bed I went on a cleaning frenzy. The house smells great. The weather report couldn't make me any happier. . . RAIN. I am a little taken back how nice a rainy day sounds to me. Earlier in the week when I learned it would be raining, it down right ticked me off. As of now I am happy as a clam. I want nothing more then to not be able to run to the park, go on a picnic or whatever else you can adventure and do on a beautiful day. The house is clean so that means that I will also not be cleaning. The girls have hardly been home this summer so they are itching to play with all of their toys. Ahhh just the thought of tomorrow gives me all the more motivation to finish my cleaning! I have visions of reading, watching a show (maybe) doing a little online school shopping, sewing? I know the day will not be as graceful as I am thinking but it will be what it is. I know one thing, Chris will be here, sleeping because of night shifts but here will be here with us!

Oh and, we are seriously thinking about getting the girls a puppy! For those of you who know the girls you know that, they are usually on all fours pretending to be dogs, they have 75 or so stuffed dogs, they all have names, when the pick a movie they pick a movie about a dog, when they buy a barbie they pick one that comes with a dog, for every last Christmas and Birthday a dog has been number one on "the list" and the list goes on. Chris and I thought this was just a phase they would outgrow. I mention all the time how we are outgrowing our house, adding a dog would make it worse. I hope by getting a puppy the girls would act less like dogs and more like kids, so technically if we get a dog, we are down one right? HA parents dread getting a puppy knowing their children will soon be sick of it, not me I can't wait for them to be sick of dogs. If everything goes as planned hopefully soon we will be able to go look at the puppies that were just born and pick ours out. I am not going to say anything to the girls until we go though! I want it to be a big surprise. They saw a picture of the puppies and asked for one, I told them getting a dog was a decision that was to be made a as family and we left things at that. 

So happy it's the weekend, this work week kicked my butt. I don't mind working in Urology but I feel being there alone, I was a bit over my head Considering it is not an office I am familiar with. All the scopes, and probes, and tests and terminology ahhhhh I am so happy it's the weekend!

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy