Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31st

I could name this post nothing but a date because it is that boring. The girls and I rushed home tonight to clean the house. I hate having to spend an entire night dedicated to cleaning, but I spend enough nights not doing it so I guess I can give up one night.  The saddest part is I still have ton's to do. We have ongoing closet and dresser issues in this house. Our house has one YES ONE closet. We have outgrown this house big time. I wish I could wave a wand and have a house in Liberty surrounded by family <3 We are lucky though to have our house, our home, messy at times, pretty much all the time now. HA I never thought I could have a messy house but we are always so busy. My cupboards, and hutch, draws and ONE closet are the messiest. There is just not enough space for everything and I don't even save crap we don't need. It takes me all day to clean out all the above and a month later it is trashed again. Oh well.
 It is a short work week for me! Yay, I am working in Urology tomorrow, the people there are nice but I am not crazy about what the job entales. We are REALLY excited to head to NH for the weekend and camp with family. This is a first occasion to camp with Chris's father and his family. The girls are beyond excited for Story Land : ) so am I! I went when I was there age. I have to get the entire house cleaned before leaving because I can't stand to come home from vacation's and face reality, let alone when the house is trashed. So it is cleaning and packing for the rest of the week. Then home to finish out the last 3 weeks of the girls summer vacation. They got an Oshkosh catalog in the mail the other day and have picked out a ton of school clothes. I love shopping for them!

Time to relax for the evening, Chris should be home any minute, he is bringing me Lobster's fresh from our Maine waters, for those of you following from elsewhere, here in Maine we buy Lobster's from known Lobster men or a truck on the side of the road. I can't imagine going to the grocery store and buying lobster HA.

Win a Carter's gift card!


Monday, July 30, 2012

And Another Tooth Gone.

Number seven, one a week for the past three weeks.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lincolnville Beach

Randi and I took the kids to Lincolnville Beach. The kids loved the water and sand. We are pretty lucky to be so close to the ocean. I forget sometimes that some people don't have the luxury of taking off and driving less then an hour to multiple beaches.
It is hard to believe the girls will be going back to school in one month : /  I have really enjoyed doing so much with them this summer. During the school year we don't get to have as much fun because the weekends are the girls down time. I guess summer's are going to hold a lot of memories. Next weekend is Story Land with Grampa, Meme, Mommy, Daddy, and all the kids. I CAN'T wait.

Lesson learned by Randi and I today... do not take all 4 kids to Walmart ever again.... they were wound right up to the max. HA HA

Friday, July 27, 2012


Devan and Ryleigh received their first gun for their 6 1/2 birthday! They were so excited. For obvious safety reasons, Chris spent time with them on handling it before he took them to the pit to shoot. The girls caught on rather quickly and are quite good. Today they shot from 50 yard and hit their target! They did this all by themselves! Chris was right there to supervise and make sure they were being safe. The girls know how to load, hold, take the safety off and safely hold the gun to aim and shoot. When their .22 Rascal comes home it is locked in the gun safe. My girls are going to be the little ladies getting their own deer in the woods someday!

Here they are, very proud of themselves! ( I love that they beg to spend the day with Dad and ask him to go shooting and yet they can't wait to do cheer leading this year at school.) I think it is safe to say they are pretty well rounded children.

Devan Lynn

Ryleigh Dallas

Phone Dump

Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy