Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


I'm flat out a rookie in the picture taking world. I have visions of someday being better but for now It is trial and a lot of error. I bought my first DSLR camera :) I'm so excited! I love taking pictures with my i phone and Instagram is my favorite app. Documenting my children's childhood is very important even if they look back and say what were you thinking. Ha they will no matter what.

Bowl Away

Randi and I took the kids bowling over the weekend. It was really fun! I remember the bowling alley as a foggy haze of cigarette smoke and bumper less lanes that never lead my ball to the pins. Apparently now bowling is all crazy lights, high tech and fancy smancy. It also brought out a lot of I'm too cool and so old out of the girls. They walked around like they were all grown up. It was Cody's first time bowling, he did great! All the the kids kicked our butts. Devan scored the highest... I am here by saying she can't have bumpers because she is too good. I found it funny that the girls wore the same size bowling shoes as Cody who is 3. once home they claimed they were getting a size 13 next time because they are older. It was a late night but so worth it. I can't wait to go with Daddy

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Way Back When

Way back when there was Way Back Wednesday. The thing to do on Wednesdays was to post pictures from times long ago. It scares me to think of the following pictures as times long ago but that is the case Momma, grab ahold of reality and come to terms, your babies are growing up. I love all of the innocence in these pictures, corrupted by nothing more then a few shots, a fork full of unwanted veggies and the occasional time out. Now we face bullies, hard work, acceptance the important of persistence and the occasional dose of tough love. I will look back at this post one day and say you had no idea. The challenges they will face are nothing compared to now but that doesn't make this step in the game any easier at times. It pains me to throw my girls into society I can only do my best as a mom teach them morals, respect for both others and themselves and love them well.

A Well Established Pup

Saiga Pup is what we call him. He has been with us for 6 months now and he is very well loved. The girls and Chris adore this dog. I do as well I just seem to find the annoying in him more then the others. He is well behaved and lovable as can be. He is snuggly compassionate and protective. We hope he lives a long life here with us.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Learn more about Garrett Simmons :)

Learn a little more about Garret and the family you are supporting.

First off, upon confirming my attendance at Garrett's benefit supper and looking over the event created for him it was obvious, there are a lot of people pulling for this little fella. I felt that many people who don't personally know the Simmons would want to know more about them and Garrett's situation.  I spoke to Sami about putting some more information about Garrett and his family and she was OK with the idea...

So here it is. 

If you could witness a day in the life of Garrett Simmons, present day, you would see a familiar day with two kids ages five and one. Garrett runs, smiles, laughs and cries like any one year old. He is sick with the awful curse of cancer but that does not hold him back from being the active, adventurous, temperamental and loving boy that one year old boys are. Garrett has had and will continue to have ups and down's, good days and bad days but the bad days are not dwelled on. They are lived, made the best of and then move on.

Garrett has a 5 year old brother Wyatt, who is smart, witty, funny and usually found with his shirt off jamming on his guitar or singing. Sami and Scott are super lucky to have Wyatt who can make humor in ANY situation. Their boys keep them busy on a day to day basis which helps with getting through each day. Wyatt is young and know's his brother is sick but cancer in Wyatt's eyes, this just means that his little brother needs more hugs and kisses and special  attention. Like being pulled across the room in his highchair so Garrett can eat next to the best big brother in the world. 

Sami and her husband have worked hard to provide their boys with everything two boys need. They have loving parents, a warm, happy home, and toys galore.  The boys have been lucky enough to participate in extra activities due to their parents hard work, like taking swim lessons and Wyatt has recently started taking guitar lessons. 

 A little funny from the mouth of Wyatt. 
When starting guitar lessons Sami and Scott bough Wyatt a guitar. A step up from the Cars Walmart guitar which is found in every boys bedroom with one string not capable of playing a single tune. They opted for the deluxe cheap special. To insure all the strings were intact through guitar lessons, Sami explained to Wyatt that it was just for lessons and practice, his brother and friends were not to play with it. It was more expensive then the other guitars he has had. 

When Sami brought Wyatt to a lesson she was in the other room. The instructor began putting tape on the guitar to make playing easier for Wyatt. Wyatt piped up and said "Will those come off because this is a really expensive guitar" 

Little moments like this is what keep's their family going. 

When Garrett was diagnosed with cancer he had recenly learned a word most toddlers learn that moms are never proud of. He ran around saying damnit for days. Coincidence but again making light of the situation.

Yes the Simmons are in the middle of a nightmare but they escape with glimpses of hope and humor from their boys. 

While accepting support financially is something they have not quite grasped the hand of yet. They know that they need to do what is best for their boys and their family. When Garrett beats cancer and has been in remission for years they need to be where they started, A hard working mother and father who set up a great life for their boys. They are very grateful for everyone's support.  Anyone in this situation would rather turn away help but with convincing the Simmons know it is the right thing to do, with medical bills, paying for insurance out of pocket and days missed at work, turning to the support of their friends, family and community is not exactly easy but appreciated.  They have been on the donating (easier end) before, now it is their turn to let others help them.  Please know that no donation will  be taken without a great amount of gratitude.

Here is a link to Garrett's event

Friday, February 8, 2013


While outside looks like this for the next 36 hours, with a possible 24+ inches...

We hid inside and kept busing doing...


Played with Pup

PBS kids!


Set up the Star Net Pet Shop



More computer time. 

Tea Time

More Pup


writing stories.

The girls vegged whatching TV while I shoveled the driveway. 

They played outside for a bit too but I didn't bring the camera for that. 
Happy Nemo snow storm! 
I love SNOW
If you are not from Maine or elsewhere with snow
it is hard to understand
the excitement of being snowed in.
Nothing else matter besides your home and family. 

Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy