Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Monday, May 5, 2014

New Kicks

Devan and Nanny spent the day together this Saturday while Ry and I had our one on one day. Devan proudly announced when she got home that she had bought a new pair of shoes. They are high top basketball sneakers, I’m pretty sure they are boys. If you know Devan you know that she likes a verity of things, sporty, tomboy, girly, frilly and everything in between. She goes through stages with each of these styles. Today she came out in what was intended to be a PJ shirt from Oshkosh, the shirt has a dog catching a Frisbee. It is a boys shirt she fell in love with, it cost a dollar and the deal was if I bought it she could wear it to bed. She wore her Capri’s and decided on her new sneakers. She looked pretty spunky, especially with the pink Hello Kitty headband she topped the outfit off with. I like her spunky sense of fashion. The girl could pull anything off with her adorable little face. We were walking into the school when she started walking slower and slower and then stopped and said, “I don’t want to go in” I asked why only to find out she was worried about getting picked on. I explained that what she likes is what matters not anyone else. She asked if there were any shoes in the car she could change into, of course there were no shoes to change into. I could tell Devan was really worried about the day and her choice of foot wear. The girls hung up their bags and coats and Devan was on the verge of tears. I reminded her that Leighton wears what he wants without worrying about what other people think, it’s good to be you, to be different. Kids are jealous of the kids with a, I don’t care what you think attitude. Nothing I said was helping. Then Ryleigh took off her shoes and offered them to Devan. I was so proud of her. Ryleigh is my girly girl and I was pretty sure I would never see her at school with her pair on. Devan looked at me and said, “mom Ry probably won’t get made fun of in these shoes because they boy who has them in her class likes her” I asked Devan if she wanted to trade but she said no because she didn’t want to chance Ry getting picked on. I seriously considered making myself late for work to make her feel better, but I figured this is a fear she has to face. She likes the shoes so she should wear them. When I left Devan was feeling a little better and she and her sister walked hand in hand to the other kids. I watched Devan show everyone how Ry’s pink hair matcher her AG doll. I wish I could protect them every minute, I wish I could keep them from all hurt. I hope I said enough for Devan to keep her head held high for the day. I hope she comes home and wants to wear her shoes to school again tomorrow, because overcoming fears and being yourself is a huge accomplishment.
Side note, Devan totally picked those same shoes the next day ;)

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy