Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


If you did not enjoy the beautiful weather Saturday, shame on you.  We started the day bright and early at the Coastal Children's Museum. They recently did some improving, it's really nice. 

After that I met up with Randi, we took the kids for a walk on the boardwalk in Rockland. It was so sunny and warm. The kids had a ball and of course left with a handful of sea shells. 

Randi and I made it to the gym later that night. We had a short amount of time to workout so I decided to run. I ran two miles. Surprisingly it was pretty easy. I ran at 6.0 versus 6.5 or even 7. I guess slowing it down a bit saves energy, allowing me to run longer. I could have gone longer if I pushed myself. My body was tired and I was winded but it was my mind in the end that stopped me. 

I have been trying to eat 1300 calories a day. I am happy burning 400 and up exercising. I take Mondays off because I have class and its my long day at work. I have been at this for 17 days now. I'm trying to keep positive but it's hard. Tonight we have three inches of water in the basement from the rain and thawing ground. I could have done cardio upstairs but I'm tired, discouraged and sore from Jillian Michaels. I am beating myself up right now. Had I already lost 10 pounds it wouldn't bother me but because I haven't I keep thinking I'm doing something wrong. Four pounds is all I have lost. It takes time, I will get there I just need a good drop on the scale and I will feel like all if my hard work is paying off.  I wish I could have gone to the gym today :/ oh well. Chris has tomorrow off, he will fix the water situation and I can run tomorrow night. 

Check out these cute as can be ladies at their cheer banquet tonight <3 

They are so adorable!!! 

This is a conversation we had this weekend 

We are out on a walk on the boardwalk when we see twin boys, Devan says "wow they look just alike, creepy" Randi and I laugh and say "ummm, you look just like your sister" Devan says, "I have a big nose and Ryleigh has a small nose" Followed up with, "they looked photo copied" from Ry. The more we tried explaining that twins look just alike until you get to know them, the more confusing things got. They don't see the resemblance in each other at all.

This was a good weekend, a break in the weather, friends and family <3 

Due to the cheer banquet we missed out on Brayden's 9th birthday :( bummer. I love you Brady Bear. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Girlies Exciting Weekend

The girls had a really busy weekend. They are some lucky little girls for sure. Friday night Chris's dad took the girls over night, Chris has a 5 year old half sister that loves to spend time with the girls. SO off they went to spend the night with Samantha. Grampa turned Samantha's room into a huge tent, they went bowling and went to the store in the morning to pick up stuff to make breakfast. The girls were all pretty impressed that they each had their own carts at the store. I picked the girls up in Liberty at 2:00 and we heading to the Waldo Y for Julian and Sophia's birthday party. They swam, ate cake and played. The next morning (this morning) Chris's mom (Nanny) picked up the girls, brought them out to breakfast and to see a movie. They also ended up with new jammies. I would say their weekend was pretty fun. I ended up with a whole mess of free time this weekend. I made sure to make good use of it too! Next weekend is filling up pretty quickly. I hope I can squeeze in time to workout :)


RUNNING, I am newly starting this process again. :/ I run at home at a whopping 5.2 MPH and walk at 3.5 This scares me a little when I think about the upcoming 5k I signed up for at the end of June. Randi and I went to the gym over the weekend twice. I LOVE the gym, I don't have to be creative about burning calories AND it gets me out of the house. My membership is free at this particular gym thanks to my Brother and Sister in law :) I started with the elliptical machine where the treadmills were taken up. I didn't realize what a workout I was in for. After 30 minute on the elliptical the treadmills were free. I ran week three day one of the 5k runner program I was on, I couldn't believe how quickly time went by. I assume it has something to do with not being in a basement alone and being on a better piece of equipment. I ran at 6.5mph and walked at 4.5. I ended the night with 659 calories burned according to my hear rate monitor. The next day my appetite was horrible. I made myself eat all day. I ended up with very few calories. I did 20 minutes of cardio circuit training at home, burned 189 calories doing this. The next morning (this morning) Randi and I were both able to make it back to the gym to workout. I started on the treadmill this time. We were late getting started so I just jumped on without giving stretching a thought. I decided not to use the 5k runner app that I have been sticking to and just RUN. I ran a mile, walked a half mile then finished out with another mile running. It felt so good. I ran at 6.5 MPH each time. I ended up getting on the elliptical for 25 minutes before heading out. I burned 489 calories today. I burned a total of 1,337 calorie this weekend. When I went to the gym in the past I never really put much effort in. I would bounce around trying multiple things. Now when I go I try to spend an hour or more and stick to two things. Next time I hope to give the bikes a try. I wish I could go more than I can but when Chris is on nights and I don't have a sitter it gets difficult. I am going to have to get creative at home. I really am discouraged with my treadmill because I can only go so fast. To be positive though, at least I know that I am working hard and it is the fact that my treadmill is cheap and not that I am not achieving my goals. At home I have come up with squats, sit-ups, push-ups, planking, treadmill, jumping rope and cardio circuits. I just wish it were easier at home :( Tomorrow is my day off where I start photography classes on Monday nights. I am happy and sad, I wont get to see my girl after I drop them off at school on Monday's. They will be in bed when I get home. BOO, they and Chris are looking forward to their Mondays so I really can't complain. Spring is around the corner too, I will get to get outside and run :) I cant wait to see what I burn for calories outside running. Today I felt like I ate all day long, I have 629 net calories logged on myfitness pal for a total consumed of 1,222. My goal daily is 1390, if I reach that goal it makes me feel like I have stuffed my face all day. I am making healthier choices. I will still eat things I like and shouldn't always have I just need to learn to do it in moderation and exercise that day and be careful to eat REALLY healthy around those choices. I made up a whole bunch of grilled chicken for the week so I can have it on salads and for lunch. PROTEIN, its a must! I just need time to pass and I should see results. That is the hardest part, putting so much effort in, making so many sacrifices and pushing so hard and sometimes it takes a good couple weeks to really prove that what you are doing has really paid off. Pretty sure Randi is not looking forward to our next gym trip, I brought a whistle today because she keeps hanging on while she is walking. I told her to let go, she wont burn as many calories hanging on. I also suggested, MADE her do the first day of the 5k runner app. She did really well! I love getting to spend time with friends and better myself. s I wonder if it is normal to feel the need to workout again when you workout in the morning, It's nighttime, I ate a considerable amount of food today and now I am left thinking I should really go workout. I guess I keep forgetting that I already did that once today. Again, back to that time thing, IT WILL TAKE TIME.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 8

I am 8 day into my weight loss journey. I have put A LOT of effort into things this time around. I am learning to think of this process as a life style change rather than a diet. A few things I have learned. 1.) Don't compare your success to anyone else’s 2.) be proud of your work and don't let your results discourage you. 3.) Keep at it 4.) Incorporate bad things into your good. 5.) Accept bad days as good things on the horizon. 6.) Baby steps are better than setting yourself up to fail. 7.) PUSH HARD and be honest with yourself. Today I got on the scale for the first time since RE-starting my journey eight days ago. Normally I obsess over the scale; I know this is oh so bad for me so this time I have decided to do weekly weigh-ins. I am doing all the right things so in time it will pay off. There is no since to punish myself for not doing enough when all that is against me is time. IT TAKES TIME. I am hoping to get a jump start on running before spring is in full swing! I LOVE MY NEW Polar Heart Rate Monitor. I used it last night when I jumped rope for 20 minutes then alternated walking and running on the treadmill for 25 minutes. I am on week three of 5k runner. I wish I could say at this point I could run and finish a 5k like in the past but I am almost 100% positive I would fail :( No good. I am signed up to run for the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital in June. To top of running for a good cause it’s a Color Run! This will be so much fun. I know I will be able to do it by the time June comes along :) I can run outside so much easier than on the treadmill... Outside there is nature and YOU. I skip the music and take in the outdoors. Ahhhh now I want to go run, like now. Last night I burned 478 calories, I will be honest, I was a little disappointed when I saw that I burned 478, I was hoping for more. The workout that I did was really strenuous. I was a sweaty mess when I was done to say the least. My poor shins were on fire. I am luck to live on a dead in that the girls can ride their bikes on when I run. Just a few more weeks and we will be outside enjoying good old New England Spring!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cabin Fever Fighter.

Love this flag banner with every kids name that goes to WCS.

Warren School hosted Cabin Fever Fighter on Tuesday night. Boy can we use a cabin fever fighter ;)

I look forward to Art Night every year, this was incorporated into Cabin Fever Fighter this year. There was also an Ice Cream Social.

I thoroughly enjoy watching the girls giggle and talk with their friends. I don't EVER make it in to volunteer at the school so it's nice to see the girls with their friends.

The girls could care less about showing off their artwork, notice the cheesy smiles ;) They just want to socialize and eat ice cream. They begged to play on the playground but because there was no supervision and there was a lot of ice I was the mean mom that said no. I was happy with my decision when a little girl busted her face up. 

After much convincing we headed home to cook dinner, make several messes and get ready for bed. I was exhausted last night. I fit in, work, working out, school, dinner, laundry and BED.

Ryleigh's Masterpiece.

Devan's Masterpiece.

Devan's name of the banner. I looked for Ryleigh's a few times and couldn't find it. She has not interest in helping.

They Found Maine
And Karen in Florida

YUMMY. I love ice cream but skipped it this time.

This kid is growing right up :/

My Girlies ready to head home.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sheddin' pounds day 4

I cleaned a spot in the dreaded basement to workout. My treadmill has always been down there but I usually have to climb over crap to get to it :/ We have ONE closet in our house so the basement is where all our stuff ends up. It took hours to clean but I now have space! I downloaded the three apps that I wanted, push-ups, squats and sit-ups. I I did the apps last night and felt rather disappointed. I will follow them because I know my body struggles with all three area. I AM going to add some cardio on the nights I "strength train" I hope this helps me feel like I'm actually getting somewhere. I AM SORE this morning. Pretty pathetic really. I did a total of 20 squats and planked for 40 seconds. It's a wonder I can run at all. It obvious that I need to get more muscle in my legs. I hope by doing it helps my running. Today it's back to running. I think I may need some ibuprofen before starting ;) 

Friday, March 14, 2014

I will be ready for summer

I am back to the treadmill. It feels good to have motivation again.  I want to be good at it. At first I wanted to be one of those people who could run and run and run like it was nothing. Now I want to run because its hard and I want to prove I can do it. I lost 30 lbs before with running, a cardio and toning cd and jumping rope. I was annoyed with the cd and really prefer to not go back to it. I struggle with not running EVERY day when I run. I am doing the 5k runner app, I like it so much more than the couch to 5k app. In the advice section of the app it advises you to not run more than three days a week and don't jump ahead or you can injury your muscles and end up with set backs. It also mentions bad days are normal and are usually followed by a break through! I hope. I was on Pinterest looking at exercise programs, I found several squat and AB workouts I wanted to try. I figured I could alternate those and running. I have to get creative where I don't go to the gym. The makers of the 5k runner app make an arm and chest app, a butt and legs, and ab app. They are all 20 minutes, three times a week. I am downloading them tomorrow. They gradually build you up just like the running app. I have started using my fitness pal again as well. I hope my motivation sticks around! Today I weighed in at 176 :/ I am 5'4.5 not sure where exactly I should be but I would be happy with 150 and REALLY happy with 145. Getting under 150 is really hard for me. Now to organize some space to work out. I hope the three additional apps help make my body stronger and in the end make running easier. I am so tired of starting up again after failing... I hope thinking about the rut failing puts you in makes me keep going! 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Icy icy

Last night and today brought us ice, rain and snow. I am a bit jealous that further inland got tons of snow. I have a feeling that we are going from winter to spring all at once this year. We used to have winters like this when I was a kid.  We also used to have beautiful springs. The last several years we have gone from winter to summer within a few days. I miss the sprig I remember from my childhood. The days of 50-65 degree sunny days. In the meantime we have ice.  Maybe I will enjoy spring again if we actually get one this year! I will take the few extra hours of sunlight we are getting and be happy. 

My ride into to work today. It was a bit slick. There were several accidents. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I felt the need to blog tonight, BUT, I had too many little things that I wanted to blog about. I have a new plan to blog what I would post on FB. I deleted the FB app off my phone, I don't plan to delete my account because it helps me keep in touch with many people I care about. I hope to devote less time to FB. I have been in a slump lately. A vicious circle slump. I know what I need to get out of it I just lacked the motivation to do so. I have had motivation this week though. I have got so much done in the last few days. I worked out tonight. I can feel myself pulling out of my slump. I dread summer because I hate my body, this year I really want to be comfortable. Not skinny, I just don't want to leave my closet needing 300mg of
Zoloft after getting  dressed. So slump be gone, working out, spring cleaning, getting outside, less wasted time! 

About my need for blogging, it's a stress relief for me. A way to vent. I am often by myself so I don't have an adult to talk with. I also want my kids to be able to remember everything about their childhood, I want to remember too. I want them to read my blog and see the good and bad, to look for advice here. I changed my blog name to Racing the Rising Tide. I thought long and hard about what my blog means to me and I always came back to being hellbent on documenting my girls childhood. I am trying so savor every moment. I'm trying to keep up with them and not take a minute for granted because 18 years goes by too fast. SO this is where my new name came from. 

It was early release today. I got to spend some extra time with my girlies. Lucky Momma 

Getting off the bus. 

Look at this old school picture of my girls. Love them! I couldn't imagine them being eight years old when they were this young. Time goes so fast. 

Lets hope this motivation thing keep going! 

Summertime and the Livings Easy

What a perfect time to announce our summer vacation schedule. All the vacation days I put in for have been approved! Yayyyyy! 

Bring on the snow for now. For the people who have been begging for spring since February, HA. Some of our biggest storms are in April. I wish for spring too but I will not drive myself crazy over wishing for it now. 

June 13th - 17th 
July 3rd - 8th
August 9th-12th 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Saiga Pup gets a cut.

I had just finished making dinner when the girls asked to go outside and play. I figured they should take advantage of the warm evening so I let them go out. Chris was getting ready to go to work, we were in the middle of eating when we heard Ry run up to the house. She yelled "open the   door there are blood and guts everywhere" we jumped up and RAN outside. Seriously mini heart attack!  She told us Saiga cut his paw. Devan was waiting with Saiga on the lawn. He must have cut it on the Icy lawn. He cut the tip of the pad on the back of his left front leg. There was a significant amount of blood but our Ry might have been a bit dramatic. I'm proud of their quick thinking and plan to get help. Saiga went in the tub, soaked and cleaned and then I snipped the tiny string that was holding the pad tangling from his leg. Antibiotic ointment, paper towels and painters tape ( we may need some medical supplies) and he was all set. He was such a good boy during this process. I got thinking that Ry's reaction "blood and guts everywhere" was probably due to the blood on the lawn being the most blood she has ever seen before. Now our Pup is reading with Devan. We love you Saig 

This little flap looks like its holding on a lot more then it actually was. 

 Saig resting his head on the book Devan is reading him. 

 This little girl is an animal lover for life. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Cheer Comp Time

I have had several post on FB and Instagram over the past few weeks pertaining to cheer competitions, THAT'S BECAUSE IT CONSUMES YOUR LIVES!

I am NOT a "Cheer Mom" I love that my girls love it but we don't really take it all that serious. It keeps them active! I think what classifies a Mom of cheerleaders as a "Cheer Mom" is when the mom takes it more seriously than the kids.

Our girls practiced for HOURS this season. Their season started earlier than last year so they could get in LOTS of practice, starting at the beginning of November. Practices were one and a half hours, one night a week at first. The first thing they learned was their sideline cheers. There were around 30 girls that signed up to cheer so they divided the teams into two teams.

Practices started on the weekends somewhere around January - February. Three hour practices, these were tough on the girls. BUT our girls knew their competition was going to be tough. I don't think any of us were ready for what we were up against last year. Last year it was an accomplishment for the girls to take the mat and cheer at all. HUNDREDS of people and our little shell shocked girls.

This year the girls practice paid off.  March 9th was the big day. We stayed in Bangor the night before where comps were on daylights savings time and the girls had to be up so early. The hotel was LOUD until around 11:00pm, lesson learned, get a hotel without a pool, somewhere there that does not appeal to kids.

I drove to the Cross Insurance Center at 7:40 to drop the girls off, I was instructed to "drive up to the loading dock and drop your cheerleader off" You can't enter the building. I was happy to see the bus out front with the rest of the girls waiting to go in. My girls jumped on the bus to wait and I drove back to the hotel to pack up and get Mum and Isaac.

NEXT we waited, finally the performances started. ALL of the girls did a great job. Cheer leading is no easy sport. A lot of work goes into it. Both from the coaches and our girls.

When our girls went on I thought I was going to throw up. SO much nervousness for them. They did their thing and ROCKED it. They actually stood a chance this year. When all the girls were done cheering and waiting for awards our girls sat in a circle and held hands. I love how much support they have for each other.  They announced the winners for our girls class and division, they don't acknowledge 3rd place at competitions which is where our girls placed. When they were announcing that Warren won the Pee Wee division for grades 4-6 they accidentally called our girls names. Of course they didn't realize that they really didn't win, it was a mistake.  Such a sad, happy moment. They were happy for the big girls but it was a big let down.  I was sitting twenty rows up watching out little girls grades K-2 upset and heart broken. Luckily we have the best coaches in the world there to comfort them. If it were anyone else I would have Momma Bear'd myself down there and hugged my kids.

So in the end the girls placed third in the 3rd-5th grade division :) Even though they are younger then 3-5 that is where their skill level was so they were put in that category. They increased their score from last year by 30 points! AND they loved it. They really had a good time and can't wait for next year. At the end of the year last year they were so tired of cheer and upset over losing I wondered if they would want to sign up this year. Secretly I wished they didn't. BAD Mom I know. Next year I am excited for cheer. It's physical, keeps them going and teaches them to be a team player and that if you really, really want something you have to try hard. Most importantly that dreams do come true. I can't wait to see what next year has to offer!

Swimming the night before competitions. 

Little cheer outfits

The girls waiting to take the mat 

Sitting in a circle holding hands 

2nd place winners for 4-6 grade. GO PANTHERS 

Thank you so much Claire and Julie for everything you have done for our girls. You guys are the most amazing coaches ever.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Short changed all around.

I don't really even know where to start with this post, it will be sporadic and complicated. I often find my way back to my blog when I am in this mood.  I will start with, it's 8:15, I just hit start on the dishwasher and it hit me that I haven't stopped since I lifted my head off the pillow at 6:00am this morning.  Work was an OK day, an improvement over Friday when, well we wont go there. I made it another day though! When I leave work I walk casually to my car but on the inside I am skipping clicking my heals together swallowed in sunshine.  In the car to the bus stop I go.

I grabbed the girls off the bus only to struggle through Devan's homework. MATH, I remember math homework struggles as a kid. At some point during our struggles tonight I realized I must have been caught up in the fact that she should at least grasp the concept, because she had learned this at school. When I realized by doing the homework together she getting everything she needed out of her homework, practice. We worked through two sheets of homework together and she went from tears to happy.  Next up they girls  changed for cheer, snack in the car... BUT not before Devan told me her shoe broke the day before. They have bungee laces that you quickly pull to tighten and the bungee was in pieces. I at that point I wished Chris was there to help take some of the weight off my shoulders. This is not a feeling I am familiar with. I have never been the mom to not be able to handle it all on my own. Due to Chris's schedule when the girls were babies, I was on my own more often than not. I had a routine, a schedule and it worked well for me. It has carried into the girls school years, Chris and I share the work but rarely at the same time. Last night I ended up staying at work late and got home at 6:45 so our one night as a family was a flop. I found out about being expected to stay after it was already time for me to go. This could have been disastrous if Chris were on night shifts. I relieve him so he can relieve someone who has worked a 12 hour day shift. I was a little fired up to say the least. At home tonight I could have used the company, extra set of hands and someone to talk to. After I dropped the ladies off at school I made a run to Walmart for shoes. I bought two pairs for $24.00 :) I was really excited! The pair that broke the day before were from LL Bean and were not cheap.  I fueled up and went through the car wash. SERIOUSLY the highlight of my night. I put my car in neutral and sat relaxed as I watched the machines go to work scrubbing my ridiculously dirty car. I contemplated going through over and over but that would have added up ;)  NEXT is a moment I am not proud of.... I went through the McDonald's drive thru and ordered a mess of chicken nuggets and a fry, YES I have seen the video of how chicken nuggets are made and honestly I don't care tonight. We eat McDonald's once in a blue moon.  I picked the girls up at school at 6:30 and was home by 7:00, by this time Chris was home as well, we did the best we could to squeeze in family time before sending the girls off to bed. I picked up around the house, loaded the dishwasher and plopped down to vent. At this point I have no clue if what I just wrote it worth the time to read, but I do know I feel better. My day was busy, it was crazy at times but it was for people I would give anything to make happy, for them to know I have their backs no matter what. Tomorrow is a new day.

Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy