Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Girlies Exciting Weekend

The girls had a really busy weekend. They are some lucky little girls for sure. Friday night Chris's dad took the girls over night, Chris has a 5 year old half sister that loves to spend time with the girls. SO off they went to spend the night with Samantha. Grampa turned Samantha's room into a huge tent, they went bowling and went to the store in the morning to pick up stuff to make breakfast. The girls were all pretty impressed that they each had their own carts at the store. I picked the girls up in Liberty at 2:00 and we heading to the Waldo Y for Julian and Sophia's birthday party. They swam, ate cake and played. The next morning (this morning) Chris's mom (Nanny) picked up the girls, brought them out to breakfast and to see a movie. They also ended up with new jammies. I would say their weekend was pretty fun. I ended up with a whole mess of free time this weekend. I made sure to make good use of it too! Next weekend is filling up pretty quickly. I hope I can squeeze in time to workout :)

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy