Rainey Twins Est. December 22nd 2005.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Saiga Pup gets a cut.

I had just finished making dinner when the girls asked to go outside and play. I figured they should take advantage of the warm evening so I let them go out. Chris was getting ready to go to work, we were in the middle of eating when we heard Ry run up to the house. She yelled "open the   door there are blood and guts everywhere" we jumped up and RAN outside. Seriously mini heart attack!  She told us Saiga cut his paw. Devan was waiting with Saiga on the lawn. He must have cut it on the Icy lawn. He cut the tip of the pad on the back of his left front leg. There was a significant amount of blood but our Ry might have been a bit dramatic. I'm proud of their quick thinking and plan to get help. Saiga went in the tub, soaked and cleaned and then I snipped the tiny string that was holding the pad tangling from his leg. Antibiotic ointment, paper towels and painters tape ( we may need some medical supplies) and he was all set. He was such a good boy during this process. I got thinking that Ry's reaction "blood and guts everywhere" was probably due to the blood on the lawn being the most blood she has ever seen before. Now our Pup is reading with Devan. We love you Saig 

This little flap looks like its holding on a lot more then it actually was. 

 Saig resting his head on the book Devan is reading him. 

 This little girl is an animal lover for life. 

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Two beautiful twin girls and a loving Mommy and Daddy